What is ENP?

ENP = Expanded Neighborhood Patrol

Expanded Neighborhood Patrol (ENP) is a program created by the City of Dallas that allows neighborhoods to employ off-duty police officers to supplement standard patrol hours. These regular Dallas Police Department (DPD) officers are armed, trained to make arrests, issue citations, etc., and they will patrol in a DPD official police car. The police car is equipped with computers allowing the officers to check for outstanding warrants, stolen cars and other violations instantaneously.

Contributions to the ENP Program are critical to ensure that we can allocate funds toward our total budgeted patrollable hours for the year. The number of patrol hours is directly related to the number of paid ENP members, so the more member participation the more police presence. Those who support ENP also enjoy several benefits only available to ENP members.

Member Benefits:

For Paid Members of ENP:

  • Ability to request extra surveillance of your home when you’re away on vacation or business trips
  • ENP officers are available for a security review of your property and can give you tips on how to make your property safer and more secure
  • The convenience of having one of our ENP officers make a police report for you should an incident occur during their shift thereby preventing you from having to file a report yourself and ensuring accuracy and efficiency
  • ENP officers tailor the program to fit the needs of the neighborhood members
  • A yard sign will be provided indicating you are a supporting member of the ENP program

Other Services that Benefit the entire Neighborhood:

  • Teen curfews can be enforced as applicable
  • Professional criminals and vandalism/malicious mischief will be deterred by police presence
  • More surveillance at our neighborhood schools
  • Reckless/speeding drivers will be better monitored
  • Illegal door-to-door solicitation will be reduced
  • A data terminal onboard the ENP officer’s patrol car will allow him/her to instantly check for stolen vehicles or outstanding warrants

Join Online or by Mailed Check

ENP membership cost is $300 per household per calendar year ($250 for ENP membership + $50 for General membership = $300 Total). Payment options include:

  • Online at LHENA.org via the Membership Toolkit site
  • Checks made out to LHENA and returned with the membership form

We hope you agree this is a very reasonable price to pay when you consider the peace of mind it will bring when you’re away on vacation, at work or if you simply want to feel safer in your own home and neighborhood.

Frequently Asked Questions

When you are out of town, you may request that an ENP officer check your home on each patrol. Also, when the officer is on duty, response time to a 911 call has the potential to be drastically reduced.

Email enp@lhena.org, include your home address, contact number, time frame when additional patrols are desired and any other pertinent information the officers should be aware of.

Officer hourly wages and use of the patrol car and associated equipment. Organization and administration of the ENP will be completed by LHENA volunteers with no compensation. 100% of the ENP portion of the dues goes to the ENP patrol.

Yes. We must keep the administrative process very simple because we are relying on volunteers.

You may contact our ENP Chair at enp@lhena.org or our President at president@lhena.org.